Assumption University
Academic program research to meet rapidly changing needs
Market Research
A Catholic Liberal Arts Tradition
Assumption is a medium-sized Catholic liberal arts university in Worcester, MA with strengths in business, healthcare, and the helping professions (counseling, psychology, human services, etc.).
Diversifying Enrollment
Recognizing that demographic projections point to declining numbers of high school graduates in New England, Assumption sought to diversify enrollment by growing graduate programs and adult-focused undergraduate offerings. While Assumption had offered these programs for the past 50+ years, they took a backseat to traditional undergraduate offerings.
Develop Strategy to Grow Graduate Programs and Adult Enrollment
Assumption asked ADV to determine how to grow adult enrollment by meeting student demand, leveraging institutional strengths, and satisfying the needs of the local economy.
Identifying Programs to Grow, Promote, and Create
Academic Program Demand
Regional Analysis
Competitive Analysis
We undertook a comprehensive approach, beginning with assessing demand for Assumption’s current programs using historical admissions data, nationwide enrollment patterns, and labor market need (i.e., job postings and employment projections). This identified which programs Assumption could expect to grow in the future and which programs to promote to get the best return on the University’s marketing investment.
We then identified a set of new programs for Assumption to consider based on nationwide demand, unmet regional need, competition, and brand congruence (i.e., does this program leverage Assumption’s strengths and is it consistent with the University’s brand?). We explored each potential new program in detail to determine the extent of direct competition, the size of the opportunity for Assumption, accreditation considerations and guidelines, timeline for development, and connections with employers in the area.
Significantly, we also conducted primary research to better understand what students and employers are seeking in adult-focused programs. We surveyed hundreds of adult students about their program interests, enrollment preferences, employer support, motivations, barriers, and awareness of Assumption’s offerings. We surveyed employers about the skills they wanted in their employees, training programs, desire for partnerships, and motivations for employee education.
Poised For Growth
We provided Assumption with the data necessary to take confident action on developing new adult-focused programs while realigning internal resources to promote current programs poised for growth. With the aid of primary data collected from students and employers, Assumption knew not only which programs to offer but also how those programs should be structured and delivered. Assumption’s growth in serving adult students is ongoing. The institution has made significant changes in recent years and this research has been a critical part of Assumption’s next chapter.