Tell Me a Story, Chapter 2
Grant De Roo Grant De Roo

Tell Me a Story, Chapter 2

When we communicate a brand story, how much should we focus on the plot of our story (i.e., the educational experience) vs. the character (i.e., the students who attend)?

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On Politics and Prospects
Grant De Roo Grant De Roo

On Politics and Prospects

Original research we’ve conducted shows the role that politics play in students’ college decisions as well as how institutions can respond.

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How Do You Measure Brand Strength?
Grant De Roo Grant De Roo

How Do You Measure Brand Strength?

Consider a framework designed to track and measure your college's brand strength, offering a structured approach to make sense of collected data and focus on essential metrics. Join the conversation by sharing your insights and suggestions to refine and improve this valuable tool.

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The 80/40 Rule
Grant De Roo Grant De Roo

The 80/40 Rule

For most institutions, a majority of students enroll in just a handful of programs. What des this mean for operations and efficiency in an age of tighter budgets?

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Women's Share of Degree Earners</a>
Grant De Roo Grant De Roo

Women's Share of Degree Earners

In this edition of our newsletter on higher education trends and topics, we explore the gender imbalance in higher education today and how women's share of degree earners has grown over time.

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