Earlham College
Distilling and communicating brand relevance for a Quaker liberal arts college.
Market Research
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
A Quaker Liberal Arts College
Earlham is a liberal arts college in Richmond, IN with students from all over the country and the world (28% of students come from abroad). Founded by the Religious Society of Friends, Earlham is infused with the Quaker values of social justice, consensus-building, open acceptance of all people, and forging strong communities. With a long history of rigorous academics and social engagement, Earlham has the reputation of impacting our world with bright, driven, and successful alumni.
Brand Perception and Value
Several leadership changes and a high price point conspired to impact perception and erode the Earlham’s traditional draw. A new administration and the Earlham Board of Trustees sought to understand how audiences view the Earlham brand, what they do and don’t value, and communicate a compelling and relevant position.
Re-Invigorate the College
ADV was asked to conduct extensive research, develop a new brand foundation, and create a new campaign that would re-invigorate the College.
Broad Recruiting and Inconsistent Messaging Created Brand and Value Confusion
Marketplace Analysis
We conducted interviews and focus groups with dozens of students, faculty, staff, and members of the College’s leadership. This was followed by surveys with both stakeholders and external audiences to explore perceptions at scale and compare internal and external views.
The results showed that Earlham was recruiting from a far too broad student pool following a long history of undefined, inconsistent messaging — a combination of factors that created angst and uncertainty about the College’s value proposition.
The data showed that internal audiences deeply value the qualities that define an Earlham experience, but these weren’t seen or understood by prospective students, parents, and counselors. Low awareness of Earlham, confusion about Earlham’s Quaker identity, and significant competition prevented Earlham from communicating a clear and compelling messaging to these audiences.
A Brand Inspiring Confidence and Clarity
Brand Foundation
Brand Campaign
From this research, ADV worked with an Earlham brand team to establish a compelling, relevant, and focused brand foundation. In addition to guiding messaging, this strategy defined which audiences to target and which programs/opportunities to offer.
We then worked with Earlham to develop a powerful campaign, For Good, based on all the work to date to bring the College to vivid and valued life. With clarity detailing the College’s academic rigor, exemplary experiential opportunities, and a culture of concern, For Good passionately shows Earlham as an ideal solution for addressing the extraordinary needs of our world today. Additionally, the campaign distinctly defines the benefits of being a Quaker institution, so this proud legacy of the College is represented for today’s audiences in relevant ways.
The extensive research and analysis ADV did for Earlham has changed thinking and action across the College from the Board of Trustees to the details of recruitment and marketing operations. Informed by the research and guided by the messaging and creative direction we provided, Earlham has found a new confidence and connection to the world that can only make our society a better place for all.
The extensive research and analyses ADV did for Earlham has changed thinking and action across the College from the Board of Trustees to the details of recruitment and marketing operations. Driven by data and leveraging our recommendations, Earlham has found a new confidence and connection to the world that can only make our society a better place for all.
Kristen A. Lainsbury
Vice President, Marketing and Communications
"It was clear from the start of our branding work with ADV that Chuck Reed and Grant DeRoo understand our value proposition. But more important, they understand our campus culture and our people. Their personal investment in the work, coupled with deep expertise in market research, has inspired confidence among our faculty and staff. Today, we consider Chuck and Grant to be a trusted extension of our in-house team, whether we need a zinger of a copy line or strategic counsel on program development."